Watch the Town of Chapel Hill's key affordable housing and community connections accomplishments over the past year.
In Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019), the Town made more progress towards advancing Council’s affordable housing goals. Highlights from the year include:
Approval of a bond referendum to provide up to $10 million for affordable housing that was overwhelmingly approved by Chapel Hill voters in the November 2018 election.
Deploying $1.2 Million to community partners for affordable housing development and preservation projects.
Supporting the development of over 80 new affordable housing units and the preservation of nearly 150 units of affordable housing in the community, surpassing our annual target by nearly 20%.
Completing phase two of Greenfield, the first low income housing tax credit project in over a decade in Chapel Hill, which added 69 units of affordable housing for low-income seniors.
Acquiring nine units to our Transitional Housing Program. Our portfolio of homes now serves 17 families transitioning out of public housing to work towards their family’s housing and financial goals.
Completing an analysis of Town-owned land to determine the feasibility of affordable housing development, and making progress toward developing a mixed-income affordable housing development on the Town-owned land on Homestead Road.
Establishing new programs to respond to community needs, including the Housing Displacement Assistance Program and the Employee Housing Program.
For more information about our progress, see our quarterly reports here.